man get_state


  get_state - generate current state files


  get_state [-options] [type[...]]


  The  get_state  script is distributed with uaxtools and utilizes a suite of scripts
  in sbin/gs_type to collect information about a node.  These scripts have been  used
  with various Linux and cluster implementations to scrape information about nodes to
  facilitate monitoring changes.  The scripts utilize the etc/gs.base and etc/
  configuration  files  to facilitate customizing what is collected.  If no 'type' or
  'test' is specified the GSGET and GSADD variables in the configuration files define
  what  is collected.  There are a number of customizable variables in the configura-
  tion files and it is intended that scripts can be added or modified as needed.  The
  suites  vary  by  cluster type and this distribution includes samples from Cray XT,
  Penquin scyld/beowulf, and IBM xcat clusters.  The  get_state  script  can  be  run
  daily,  weekly,  or  on demand depending on site needs and should be run before and
  after any significant upgrade.

  The distribted default for output files is /var/local/state.  Files named *.txt are
  current  with previous versions being *.1, *.2, ....  The scripts and configuration
  files are intended to filter volatile information so the current files can be  eas-
  ily compared with previous versions.

  There  are  many  sbin/gs_* type scripts included in the distrubution.  The default
  GSGET for a Linux host are:

  hardware uses /etc/mtab, /etc/etab, lspci, lsusb, lsscsi,  fdisk,  dmidecode,  uals
  /dev and other commands.

  network uses ifcfg-eth*, netstat, route, exportfs, ifconfig, ethtool and ibstat.

  chkconfig uses chkconfig, systemctl and beochkconfig.

  sysctl uses sysctl and drop_caches.

  iptables uses iptables and ip6tables.

  rpm uses rpm.

  modules uses module avail.

  software uses lsmod and uaps.
         The  uaps  is filtered to identify all ppid=1 root and other defined daemons
         (e.g., to identify when a daemon is missing).

  etc uses uals /etc with sum and filters.

  var uses uals --type d /var.

  mbr uses dd mbr and sfdisk.


  -all   entire cluster (run from boot|head node).

  -e     do NOT exit non-zero if changes, forced with -all (push).

  -q     do not report 'no changes' (quiet).

  +q     do report 'no changes'.

  -d     enable set -x (debug).

  -p     purge unchanged *.0 files.

  -t test
         specify tests to run.

  -T test
         specify tests to ADD.

  +t test
         specify tests to exclude.

  -c dir specify output directory.

  -b dir specify directory where etc and sbin reside.

  -u uid invoke as specified user.

  -g gid specify group to own files.

  -v     verbose mode.


  Written at the University of Alaska.  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali
  Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to


  See: uaxtools(8), chk_state(8), uals(1), uaps(1), push(8).