man push
push - push commands, files, configuration files to systems
push [-s|-root|-sysmon|-usermon] [-Features] type [-Options] arguments
push [-Features] all [-options] command|file(s)
push [-Features] all.but host1[,host2...] [-options] command
push [-Features] cmd [-options] command
push [-Features] config [-options] target(s)
push [-Features] config.but host1[,host2...] [-options] target(s)
push [-Features] file [-options] source[target]
push [-Features] one host1[,host2...] [-options] target(s)
push [-Features] one.cmd host1[,host2...] [-options] command
push [-Features] one.rcp host1[,host2...] [-options] file1 [file2...]
push [-Features] rcp [-options] whatever
push [-Features] rsh [-options] whatever
The push script suite is distributed with uaxtools and uses the etc/machines.*
file(s) to push commands, files, configuration files, or backcopy files from sys-
tems. The push command was developed in the mid-1990s when configuration management
tools were sparse, especially for multi-Unix platforms. It has long used ssh|scp,
but still references rsh|rcp. The scripts can be customized to specify alternate
mechanisms (and have been for Cray XT systems). The push suite has been used to to
manage IRIX workstations, Solaris management farms, IBM/AIX clusters, Scyld/Beowulf
clusters, Cray XT systems, Linux workstations, IBM xCat clusters, and hybrid archi-
tectures. For very large configurations, push should be complemented with [x|p]dsh
since push operates in a serial mode.
When commands are pushed, a small script is actually used so errors can be trapped
(or optionally not trapped) and the status of the command is returned instead of
just the ssh status. When configuration files or 'safe' copy is used, the file is
copied with a stamp, the original moved to /backout.push directory then the stamped
file is moved into place. For files residing on same filesystem as /backout.push
(may be a symlink), this preserves the inode in case the file is open for execu-
The etc/machines.* file consists of the following columns to identify targeted
machine (host) name.
type machine type, can be anything but often hardware type is used.
status machine status, such as 'Linux' or 'offline'. As distributed for 'Linux' is
used for active/online nodes.
use or class, such as 'login' or 'staff'.
Maj software major version, such as 'rh6'.
Min software minor version, such as '7.
use a=alias for an alternate host name or 'other' identifying information,
such as frame or rack, for push.
any number of additional columns can be used for documentation and are not
parsed as push fields.
reinvoke with sudo, must be first option specified.
reinvoke with sudo using StrictHostKeyChecking=no.
reinvoke with 'sudo -u sysmon'. UA/ARSC used a less privileged cron userid
for most monitoring.
reinvoke with 'sudo -u usermon. Another less privileged cron userid for user
support scripts.
-S uses:
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
-o GlobalKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
-sun override for SunFiles.
-lnx override for LinuxFiles.
-xts override for CrayFiles.
-aca override for AcademicFiles.
Specify nodes, e.g.: '-nodes burbot,gold'.
For an exclude list use '!", e.g. '-m !b1n5,b1n6' or '!m b1n5,b1n6'.
Specify type, e.g.: '-type O2'.
For an exclude list use '!'.
Specify group, e.g.: '-usage staff'.
For an exclude list use '!'.
Specify version, e.g.: '-os rh6.7'.
The specification can be either major 'rh6' or major.minor 'rh6.7'.
For an exclude list use '!'.
Specify status, e.g.: '-status offline'.
For an exclude list use '!'.
Specify 'other' field check.
For an exclude list use '!'.
Brief usage information on a push type.
Type options are generally specfied after the push type, but can be speci-
fied after feature options with a '--'.
Scripts in sbin/Push-* where the '*' is the 'type' of push. The pre-defined types
are identified below, additional can be easily added and some sites prefer a sym-
link Push-command -> Push-cmd.
all Push to all online (default status 'Linux') in machines file.
push [-Features] all [-options] command|file(s)
Push to all online except specified hosts
push [-Features] all.but host1[,host2...] [-options] command
cmd Push command.
push [-Features] cmd [-options] command
config Push configuration file.
This exercises a safe preserving the inode of the target file as long as it
resides in the filesystem containing the /backout.push directory.
push [-Features] config [-options] target(s)
Push configuration file to all except named hosts.
push [-Features] config.but host1[,host2...] [-options] target(s)
file Push a regular file.
push [-Features] file [-options] source[target]
one Push configuration to named host(s).
push [-Features] one host1[,host2...] [-options] target(s)
Push command to named host(s).
push [-Features] one.cmd host1[,host2...] [-options] command
Push regular file to named host(s).
push [-Features] one.rcp host1[,host2...] [-options] file1 [file2...]
rcp Push regular file.
push [-Features] rcp [-options] whatever
Exports: PUSH_machine, PUSH_type, PUSH_group, PUSH_ver, ...
rsh Push command.
push [-Features] rsh [-options] whatever
Exports: PUSH_machine, PUSH_type, PUSH_group, PUSH_ver, ...
Appropriate options are pre-set by the type wrapper in some cases but may be speci-
fied to over-ride certain behaviours. These may be specified as either:
push type -options
push --options type
Note, default type settings take precedence.
-q quiet, do not echo hostname or display Summary.
-Q Quiet, echo hostname:result (and no Summary).
-S Summary, display Summary.
-V Verbose, display 'Push using' messages and Summary.
-v verbose, show skipped hosts.
-l local, local host exclusion from command.
-f first, do NOT stop if first push fails.
-d debug, show command but don't execute it.
-t trap, do NOT trap errors, implies '-f'.
-T trap, do NOT trap, but require normal exit.
-p path, do NOT use PUSH_PATH.
-e echo, echo host with command output.
-t, target, target==source[s].
-p path, do NOT imply current directory if no leading /.
-P poff, do NOT use -p option for [r]cp.
-s safe, do NOT clobber original with copy, see PUSH_BACKOUTS .
-c config, use config file list, see PUSH_CONFIG, implies '-ts'
-C config, use config file list, override NOPUSH files.
-r reverse, reverse rcp (pull file vs. push file). This option is invalid with
-s|-c|-t and appends .hostname to target.
-x xfer, imply rcp if function not defined.
Written at the University of Alaska. Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge by Denali
Sun Consulting.
Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to
See: uals(1), uaxtools(8).