last updated: 28 May 2020

uaxtools: system management tools


These tools require the uals and uak packages referenced at the bottom. The tools also require ksh. Some of the tools existed before bash and cannot be conveniently converted as bash will fork children with functions and loops while ksh does not (the issue is passing env variables, children cannot pass back to parents).

In May 2010 the paper "Tools, Tips, and Tricks for Managing Cray XT Systems" was presented at the Cray User Group. Many of the tools are described in that paper and the accompanying slides. The general (non-Cray/XT specific) tools were subsequently packaged for distribution as uaxtools.


In addition to the bin tools cited above, there are a number of sbin supporting scripts.


The following etc files (samples provided) are utilized by uaxtools; many are scripts sourced by the tools:

ARSC Documentation

The man pages were mostly quick writes, the following ARSC documents are dated and not entirely accurate, but they do have more detail than the man pages:

ARSC existed from 1993 to 2015, for the complete story see wikipedia.

The uaxtools were written by Kurt Carlson,, at the University of Alaska and the Arctic Region Super Computing Center. Many of the tools have been in use over two decades supporting a large range of UNIX and Linux clusters. There are periodic updates and corrections to this software, it is provided "as is".

Questions, comments, bug reports can be directed to Sourceforge files include both tar.gz and an el7.x86_64 rpm.

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